Last spring/summer, Pam told me about something she wanted to try doing: curate an art show. She told me about contacting all of her favorite artists and trying to sell the idea to a gallery. Well, nearly a year of not hearing much news later, I was delighted to get an email from Pam announcing the show! I was overjoyed at the news that everything had worked out and couldn't wait to see it.
I went to the Fata Morgana opening last weekend with my friend Laura, and it was spectacular. There were tons of people at Dabora Gallery – a venue that could not be more perfect for Pam's show – and it made me so happy to see it that packed. The gallery was dripping with chandeliers, dark red plushiness and a perfectly-matching Absinthe La Fee open bar.
I barely got to speak to Pam that night, because she was being pulled in a million directions by all sorts of people. I didn't mind and was thrilled to see so much interest in the show. Check it out; it's up until 12 April. Read some more information about the it and the gallery, and get a taste of some of the art.