21 March 2011

An Education

I watched An Education yesterday, which had been on my Instant Queue for quite a while. It was pretty great, and every time something like this happens, I marvel at the fact that I had been sitting on such a delight for so long without knowing it.

As you can probably tell, the movie is about a school girl in the 1960s who is cynical about what a traditional education all means - she'd rather learn about life by living than by reading textbooks. I won't get into details on the rest; just see it. The story is heartfelt, exciting, and shot beautifully – I took a million screenshots and couldn't prioritize or stop, really. They triggered all kinds of different memories and associations in my head. How I imagine English, 1960s style, Marisa (who writes the fantastic The Significant Other), and current Swedish girl blogger culture (see this, this, and this for examples), mostly. This might crash your browser (unless... does that happen anymore?).

How I Imagine English -

Rain x cello


English classroom

1960s style with a dash of The Significant Other thrown in -

Rainy car cigarette

Jazz club

1960s style

Bar at Oxford



Champagne & frocks

Current Swedish Girl Blogger Culture -


CS Lewis and a cute nose

Quiet breakfast

These two are hilarious for different reasons, and both make me giggle -


So perfect.

And this one is just pretty -

Paris bedroom

See what I mean? Just watch it.
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