30 July 2006


something I need. when I make food at home. something Tucker Shaw has.

I'm halfway through reading the following book, which Janine so graciously bought for me off of my wish list for my 23rd birthday -

I've been a fan of Tucker Shaw's since I read the article about this book's progress, in March of 2004. It's what inspired my constant foodiefoto.

I love noticing his habits. It's a really honest look into someone's life. You can see the seasons change, based on what he's eating. You can see the celebrations, the deaths, the traveling. He likes oatmeal for breakfast a lot. When he is in a spending mood - brioche and coffee. He also likes smoothies /shakes from Elixir and Equinox. He has a bowl of cereal before bed almost every night. He went through a Haagen Dazs kick in May, instead of cereal.

the creativity... sometimes he puts a poached egg into a bowl of soup. Once, he put scrambled eggs and spinach into a bowl with chicken stock. He eats white beans with tuna. I saw him make part of an EBCB (minus the bacon)! He puts honey on Greek yogurt. He makes PBJ sometimes in hot dog buns (I suspect this might be because he ran out of sliced bread - more support for the theory that you are more creative when you have less to work with).

He's not a picky eater, either. He pretty much loves food, from what I can tell. He recently (in my reading) had jellyfish.

Anyway, I recommend this book highly. It's the only one on my summer reading list so far that I have given 10 out of 10.
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