10 September 2007

Army of Lovers

I will wait until I return from South America to talk about it; I want to include photos with stories, and my camera cable is at home. But anyway, hello from São Paulo!

I've been in such a good mood here in Brazil that I wanted to surround myself with more related stimuli last night. I remembered watching this video all the time when I was eight or nine years old:

Isn't that cute? I fell asleep with that playing last night.

Onto my point. I then started thinking about all the other videos I had seen when I was that age. All I watched on television in Puerto Rico at that time was a channel called The Box. I have no clue if they had it in the U.S. or not. It was a music video channel where everyone voted by telephone on what would play next. While videos played, you would see the three competing videos on the side, with their vote scores tallying up in real time. It was so exciting for me. I don't think I was ever allowed to vote, but I used to cheer on my favorite videos (usually either R.E.M.'s Losing My Religion or Guns N Roses' Don't Cry) and guess what the winning video would be.

At one point, these videos by a band called Army of Lovers played all the time. People kept voting for them. I had forgotten all about Army of Lovers until the name popped into my head this morning. I remembered enough to search for the two videos I would see all the time, Crucify and Obsession. I found both on YouTube, thank goodness. I started watching them and couldn't stop giggling at how ridiculous they were. catchy, but ridiculous.

The first thing I thought was that the girl in this video looks a lot like this underage go go dancer I see at dance parties in NY all the time. I then thought to myself, "This is what I watched when I was eight years old?"

So, I am curious. Does anybody else remember this band? I looked them up on Wikipedia and read that some of their videos were banned on MTV (but that they were quite big in Europe for a couple of years). Anybody? Ha, I can't stop watching these. They're great.
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